Young Talent Program
The fun
is in the

A continuous search
for the most unique rose variety

The driving force of Vip Roses is the ongoing quest for the next show-stopping rose variety. Our curiosity continues to push us further. In 2021 we began cross breeding roses ourselves. Providing a helping hand to nature and the discovery process takes time and space. Meaning that we often harvest smaller crops of new varieties to learn about their characteristics and to judge their popularity with our florists.

Vip Roses’ special assortment are well loved by all. We often receive requests from other growers inquiring how they can also grow our popular varieties. As we are a small breeder and focus on producing the finest roses, we have begun a cooperation with our trusted partner Schreurs. Breeding and the (international) sales of flower varieties is Schreurs primary business and therefore we would like to refer you to their website where you can find out more about them and inquire into the Vip Roses bred varieties.

Our breeding process explained

Take a peek into our magical Vip Roses Breeding kitchen.

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Our breeding selection


Gossip Girl


Peach Fuzz

Villa Muze

El Patron

Rebellion Pink

China Town